Course: Course II: Writing Effectively
Text lesson

Deadwood Constructions

Deadwood constructions are clauses that start with:

there are


it is [where the “it” doesn’t refer to a noun in the preceding sentence]

variations of deadwood construction include:

there is there have been
there was there might have been
there were there could have been
it seems it appears
it was it has been

When possible, you should avoid such constructions for two reasons:  First, the most emphatic position in a clause is the opening position, so don’t fill that important placement with say-nothing, deadwood elements. For example:

There  were no  additional factors considered material enough to alter planning assumptions.

Why not simply eliminate the deadwood and get to the meat of the sentence:

No additional factors were material enough to alter planning assumptions.

Another example:

There is a wide variety of opinion on the value of GSEs.

The “there is” takes up a primary point of emphasis, and yet it says nothing. We must wait for the real subject of the sentence to appear. A more emphatic construction is:

Opinions vary widely on the value of GSEs.


People disagree on the value of GSEs.

Of the various ways to state the basic idea, the deadwood construction is the weakest because it is less emphatic. Remember that one of the criteria for good writing is emphasis–placing the main emphasis on the main idea.

The other reason to avoid deadwood constructions is that they are wordy.  Remember that conciseness is also one of the criteria of good writing.


There were several instances of procedural errors in the calculation of the ratio by the association.  (16 words)

Revision I

The association made procedural errors in calculating the ratio.  (9 words)

Revision II The association miscalculated the ratio in several instances. (8 words)

Consider these examples of deadwood constructions. Notice that the deadwood usually appears at the very front of the sentence:

There are indications that the rapid ascent in farm land values may be stalling.

It has been the consistent position of the FCA that the best protection for the taxpayer and the best hope for the long-term health of the Farm Credit System is adequately capitalized and soundly managed primary lenders.

It will be necessary for the bank to decrease the loans classified as adverse and reduce the number of nonaccrual loans.

There is end-of-year funding within the Agency available to use for a total PC replacement.

But the deadwood doesn’t always appear at the front of the sentence. Sometimes,  it appears after an introductory phrase:

At the direct lender association level, there were ten associations with nonaccrual loans in excess of 1.75 percent of total loans.

Deadwood constructions can occur in any clause in a sentence, so sentences with several clauses could have deadwood in clauses in the middle or at the end of the sentence:

Management did not see the benefit of preparing detailed contingency plans until actual conditions are better known but agreed it would be beneficial to enhance this aspect of the plan somewhat.

Since new desktop systems will need to perform at acceptable levels through the agency life cycle, it is necessary to purchase high-end, powerful systems with the latest technology.

Also, you can have deadwood constructions in more than one clause:

While it was too early to assess the overall impact of these changes, it was noted the ICR was already behind schedule.

Even when there are several instances of deadwood in a…oops, see how easy writing deadwood constructions can be? I meant to say, “Even when several instances of deadwood occur in a sentence,” you can usually eliminate all of them.


If there is to be significant improvement in the quality of loan assets, it will be necessary for the association to decrease the loans classified as adverse and reduce the number of nonaccrual loans.  (34 words)


If the association is to significantly improve the quality of loan assets, it must decrease loans classified as adverse and reduce the number of nonaccrual loans.  (24% fewer words)

In the following presentation, we will review further details on deadwood construction.


Carefully review the presentation below. Core details on the above content are explained in further detail, along with relevant examples.

Access video version of the presentation. (Optional, voiced-over version of the above presentation)

Click here to open the video.

Let’s look at several sentences with deadwood constructions to see how they might be improved. This first one is easy:

There are several deficiencies within the system that will hinder its effectiveness.

The deadwood is “There are,” and it can simply be omitted. The revised sentence reads:

Several deficiencies within the system will hinder its effectiveness.

We can defend the change by citing two criteria: the revision is more concise and more emphatic.

Consider this sentence:

It should be noted that there are two exceptions to this rule.

This sentence has two deadwood constructions. The first is “It should be….” and the second is “there are.” To improve the sentence, we have a couple of options:

This rule has two exceptions.


Two exceptions to this rule exist.


Revising sentences with deadwood constructions is not always so easy. Sometimes you have to change the entire structure of the sentence. In this sentence, for example, you have to change “decision” to a verb:

Original: There has been a decision by management to begin to work only with the new system when it goes live in October.  (22 words)

Revision: Management decided to begin to work only with the new system when it goes live in October.  (17 words = 22% shorter)

We call “decision” a hidden verb because it is a noun form of the verb “decide.”  In fact, we’ll discuss hidden verbs in the next section.


Consider this next sentence, which opens with deadwood:

There were several bank functional areas where there were procedures that were inadequate, including credit review, collateral calculations, and cash management.

And here are three ways we could rewrite it, all of which eliminate the deadwood and are more concise:  

Procedures were inadequate in several bank functional areas, including credit review, collateral calculations, and cash management.

Several bank functional areas had inadequate procedures, including credit review, collateral calculations, and cash management.

Credit review, collateral calculations, and cash management were three bank functional areas that had inadequate procedures.


Spotting deadwood constructions is easy when they are singled out in exercises like those in this course. However, it’s more difficult to notice them as we are writing.  They have become so much a part of our normal prose style that learning to write without them is a challenge. Still, if we want our writing to be emphatic and concise, eliminating deadwood is essential.





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