Course: Course II: Writing Effectively
Text lesson

Unity in Paragraphs


A unified paragraph is one in which every sentence promotes and elaborates on a single main idea.  We typically think of unity in terms of the topic of a paragraph, but unity has to do with the controlling idea as well.

Via the presentation that follows, you will review the importance of unity in writing.


Carefully review the presentation below. Core details on the above content are explained in further detail, along with relevant examples.

Access video version of the presentation. (Optional, voiced-over version of the above presentation)

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Next we will examine a paragraph that demonstrates unity at work. The example paragraph demonstrates that both the topic and the controlling idea are supported throughout the paragraph.  The controlling idea serves as a point of reference for supporting sentences, each of which in some way contributes to the controlling idea.

Achieving Paragraph Unity

Board policy and procedural guidance and control were significantly improved. Lending policies and procedures were substantially rewritten and board oversight improved to ensure compliance. These revisions and additions began in September 2001 and continued through the examination. In particular, loan collateral and underwriting standard deficiencies cited in the prior examination were addressed. The revised policies and procedures were also supplemented with several directives. Policies and procedures now cover nearly all operational aspects of bank operations and, if adhered to, should adequately safeguard bank assets and promote safe and sound banking operations. Additionally, board oversight of lending controls was significantly strengthened with board involvement in the Delegated Compliance Committee and with quarterly compliance reporting. Quarterly compliance reports included a detailed assessment of compliance with a variety of lending and operational policies.

The topics covered in the paragraph are “policy,” “guidance,” and “control”; all sentences relate to that cluster of topics mentioned in the topic sentence.  Likewise, the verbs in the support sentences relate to the controlling idea—“improved.” Verbs such as “rewritten, “addressed,” “supplemented,” and “strengthened” continue the idea of “improving” from the topic sentence.

The example paragraph achieves unity by:

– maintaining focus on the topic set out in the opening sentence (policy guidance)
– using verbs in subsequent sentences that relate to the controlling idea (significantly improved).

Final Recap: Topic Sentences

This section covered how to write a good topic sentence, including structuring topic sentences, types of topic sentences, and unity.

Complete the self checks and continue to the next section to learn more about the importance of paragraph cohesion.



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