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Hello, and welcome to the online version of the Power Writing course series. These courses were designed to help FCA employees improve their report writing skills.

The ultimate goal for all trainees is to achieve writing that is correct, clear, concise, emphatic, and convincing, thus improving the overall professionalism of your writing.

This digital course series features two separate courses, which are listed directly below with a short overview of what to expect: 

  • Course 1: Writing Correctly: covers punctuation, grammar, and word usage
  • Course 2: Writing Effectively: covers elements of structure, paragraphing, and style

Some FCA employees will take only the first course, and others will take both courses, depending on the type and amount of writing you do at the agency. 

We’ve separated the instructional materials into two distinct courses to reflect two distinct modes in writing, which are:

  • Rules-based writing: a writing construct governed by rules; for example, punctuation and grammar are governed by established rules, such as when to use a comma or when to use affect instead of effect
  • Choice-based writing: a writing construct governed by choice making, such as how to phrase an idea, how to structure a sentence, what verb to use, and so forth. There are no hard rules for making such decisions; it’s a matter of judgment and experience. Choice-based writing is a matter of effectiveness rather than correctness.

We hope you find the courses engaging and that they will help improve your writing significantly.

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